The Chief of Police Citizen Advisory Panel (COPCAP), formed in August 2001, is a volunteer group designed to facilitate communication between the Police Department and members of the community. The objective of the Citizen Advisory Panel and the Police Department is to enhance the concept of Community Oriented Policing through Police/Citizen partnerships. The panel meets on a monthly basis at the Police Department to discuss contemporary issues between the Police Department and the public. During these meetings, the Panel may make recommendations to the Chief of Police regarding issues of common interest and may act as a sounding board for Department policies and procedures.
Currently comprised of ten members of the community, COPCAP includes at least one member from each of the City’s six geographic areas (Police Patrol Beats), members from the business community, and other members at large. The Panel continues to grow with the goal to enhance communication between the Police Department and the community it serves.
To be eligible to apply for COPCAP, one must be 18 years of age or older and a resident or business owner within the City of Gardena. Those who are interested in serving on this Advisory Panel are encouraged to contact the Office of the Chief of Police for an application. As opportunities become available, individuals with applications on file will be contacted by the Chief of Police for consideration.