By reporting activity that you observe and find to be suspicious or that affects the quality of life in the community you are helping to IMPROVE GARDENA. Notifying police about conditions that occur in your neighborhood helps to reduce crime and allows us to respond to other concerns that can degrade the livability of our community. These issues can range from crime problems to property maintenance and everything in between. No item is too small if you believe it is affecting the quality of life in Gardena. Even if the issue is not a police matter we will ensure the proper department is notified of the situation. In every case your District Lieutenant will be made aware of the circumstances and they will follow-up to ensure the issue is properly addressed.
It is extremely important for us to have as much information as possible about the activity that is occurring in our city – by reporting the details of activity that you witness, you help generate vital information that can be utilized to solve crimes, conduct investigations, and resolve community concerns to IMPROVE GARDENA.
You are not required to include your personal contact information to help IMPROVE GARDENA. However, if you would like us to follow up with you, please provide your contact information in the areas indicated below.
IMPORTANT: In case of emergency, or if there is a crime occurring now, call 9-1-1